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opp整理 | 日期:08-05


  7. “Why not ...?” is used to make a suggestion:

  If you’re so unhappy, why not leave?

  8. “Why not ...?” is used to express agreement:

  --May I go with you? 我可以和你一起去吗?

  --Why not? 可以呀。

  --Let's go out for an Italian tonight.

  --Yes, why not?

  9. used to insist on his own opinions or ideas:

  --Are you really going to sue them? 你真的要控告他们吗?

  --Yes, why not? 是的,为什么不呢?

  Note:We must use the infinitive without “to” in the questions beginning with “why not” or “why”. But Why not is used to make a suggestion and why is used to indicate that an action is unnecessary and meaningless.

  --My girl-friend is in a bad mood. 我女朋友心情不好。

  --Why not (Why don’t you) give her some flowers? 为什么不送给她一些花呢?

  Why argue with him? He will never change his mind. 为什么跟他争论?他永远不会改变看法的。

  根据上述why以及why not的用法,我们有理由可判断本文开头中所提仁爱版八上第三单第三话题中的Section B P73中的Why,应该是Why not。